JCSM Shareware Collection 1993 November
JCSM Shareware Collection - 1993-11.iso
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Puzzler v1.1
Puzzle Solution Helper
Copyright 1992, Acropolis Software
Acropolis Software
P.O. Box 5037
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Puzzler is provided on an as is basis without warranty of any kind
expressed or implied. In no event will Acropolis Software be liable
to you for any damages, including any lost profits, lost savings or
other incidental or consequential damages arising out of the use of
or inability to use the program, even if Acropolis Software has been
advised of the possibility of such damages, or for any claim by any
other party.
Puzzler is copyrighted by Acropolis Software.
MSDOS is a registered trademark of the Microsoft Corporation
PCDOS is a registered trademark of the International Business
Machines Corp.
Introduction ................................. 1
File list ................................. 1
Requirements ................................. 1
Floppy Drive System ................................. 2
Hard Drive System ................................. 2
Running Puzzler ................................. 3
Pattern Searches ................................. 3
Anagram Unscrambling ................................. 4
Using the Scrambler ................................. 5
Questions or Comments ................................. 6
Page 1
Puzzler is a program to help you solve those word puzzles that you've
found yourself stuck on. It is designed mainly to help with anagrams
and crossword puzzles, but I am sure there are other uses for it, such
as cheating at hangman. With Puzzler you can find all the combination
of a anagram that make proper words and abbreviations. Or you can have
is search for all words that match a pattern of letters where you do
not know what some of the letters are such as in a crossword puzzle
where you only know a few of the letters in a word, but can't seem to
guess what the word is.
Puzzler knows a little over 112,000 words and abbreviations.
Puzzler comes with the following files:
PUZZLER.EXE The Puzzler Program.
PUZZLER.DOC This manual
REGISTER.DOC Registration form for Puzzler
ACROP.DIC The dictionary containing all the words.
The minimum system requirements to run Puzzler are:
256K of RAM
1 Floppy disk drive
MSDOS/PCDOS version 2.1 or higher
A hard drive is recommended, but not required. Puzzler will just
run a little slower from a floppy disk.
Page 2
Floppy Disk Drive System Installation
Setting up Puzzler on a floppy disk drive system is easy. Start up
your computer with a DOS disk in drive A:. Now place a blank disk
in drive B: and type:
When the formatting is finished, replace the DOS disk in drive A:
with your Puzzler master disk and type the following commands:
You now have a Puzzler disk in drive B:. Put your master Puzzler
disk away in a safe place so that if something happens to your
working disk you can make a new copy by repeating the above steps.
To run Puzzler, place the Puzzler working disk in drive A: and
type PUZZLER at the DOS prompt.
Hard Drive System Installation
To install Puzzler on your hard drive you first make a subdirectory to
place it in and then copy the files PUZZLER.EXE and ACROP.DIC to it.
To run Puzzler change to the subdirectory containing the Puzzler
program and the dictionary and type PUZZLER at the DOS prompt.
Page 3
You start Puzzler by typing puzzler at the DOS prompt and pressing
[ENTER]. There is one command line option when starting Puzzler you
can include the option "-m" to force Puzzler into the monochrome mode
on color monitors. If for some reason Puzzler cannot find its
dictionary it will tell you so and quit immediately. If everything
goes well you will be presented with the Puzzler main screen and a
menu that lets you select which function you want to perform. The
three options are [S]crambled, [P]attern Search, and [ESC] to exit.
One other option at any time is to press the [F1] key and get some
help explaining where you currently are in the program.
Pattern searches
You use the [p]attern Search option to help with solving crosswords
and hangman type puzzles. With it you can locate words when you only
know some of the letters that comprise them.
Say you are doing a crossword puzzle and you have a four letter word
you can't figure out, but you know all but the second letter in the
word. An example would be "C*AT". This is the type of thing pattern
searches are good for. Selecting the Pattern Search option from the
main menu and giving it the pattern "C*AT" Puzzler will come back
with the words "CHAT" and "COAT".
Puzzler isn't limited to just one missing letter. You could give it
a pattern like "*GA*" and it will return the words "AGAR" (a gelatin
extracted from algae) and "EGAD". In fact you can use the wild card
character "*" for any number of the letters in the word, even all of
them. But be warned if you make the pattern too general such as
"*****" (all five letter words) you may not have enough memory for
Puzzler to keep a list of them all. Nothing bad will happen, but it
will tell you that it cannot display all of them for you.
Additionally there isn't anything magic about the "*" character.
Puzzler will automatically replace any character that isn't a letter
or the apostrophe "'" with the wild card asterisk.
Once Puzzler has found any matches to the pattern it will display
the list and wait for you to press the [ENTER] key (to go on to the
next page of words if there are more) or the [ESC] key to return to
the pattern prompt.
You can return to the main menu by pressing either the [ENTER] or
the [ESC] key at the prompt for the pattern.
Page 4
Anagram Unscrambling
The anagram descrambler operation of Puzzler is the most powerful
function it performs. With it you can give it a group of letters and
it will find all the words that can be made from those letters.
The reason it is so powerful is the shear number of combinations that
have to be tested. With two letters there are only two combinations,
with three letters there are six combinations, but as you increase
the number of letters the number of possible combinations grows at a
fantastic rate. For example fourteen letters can be arranged in
87,178,291,200 different combinations. The following is a table
showing the number of combinations possible with from one to twenty
Letters Combinations Letters Combinations
1 1 11 39,916,800
2 2 12 479,001,600
3 6 13 6,227,020,800
4 24 14 87,178,291,200
5 120 15 1,307,674,378,000
6 720 16 20,922,790,048,000
7 5,040 17 355,687,430,816,000
8 40,320 18 3,402,373,754,688,000
9 362,880 19 65,045,101,339,072,000
10 3,628,800 20 1,300,902,026,781,440,000
Fortunately, Puzzler is bright enough that it won╒t take until the
end of the universe to test all the combinations for a 20 letter word.
Puzzler will stop searching some pointless chains of combinations when
there is no reason to continue. An example would be a 20 character
string of letters that has the letters "Z" and "X" in it. Since it
cannot find any words that start with the letter combination "ZX" it
can drop 3,402,373,754,688,000 combinations that start with that
arrangement of letters (also the same amount again because there are
not any words that start with the combination "XZ"). That and other
tricks allows Puzzler to return an answer in a reasonable amount of
Also, those numbers are assuming that all the letters in the group
are different. When some of the letters are repeated the number of
combinations is reduced, but the math used to calculate the actual
number of different combinations when some of the letters are repeated
is even scarier then the above numbers.
Don't let the big numbers scare you. Puzzler really is very quick at
finding all the valid combinations. On a 386 computer the unscrambling
of even 20 letter words typically takes less than 45 or 50 seconds.
In normal use of four to seven letter words, it is amazingly swift.
Page 5
Using the Scrambler
Having explained what Puzzler is doing when it unscrambles a group
of letters for you let's see how to make it do it for you.
Selecting the [S]crambler option from the main menu will prompt you
for the group of letters to find valid word combinations from.
After entering the letters it will display the number of combinations
possible and start the search for valid words.
Once it has tried all the combinations if there where any words that
it could make from the group you gave it, it will display them for
you and then wait for you to press the [ENTER] or [ESC] key.
You will then be prompted to once again enter a group of letters
to search. You can return to the main menu by pressing either the
[ENTER] or [ESC] key.
Page 6
If you have any questions or comments I can be reached through the
U.S. Mail at:
Acropolis Software
P.O. Box 5037
Fair Oaks, CA 95628
Or electronically:
On CompuServe by sending EasyPlex mail to 75146.3471
On America On-Line by sending mail to RobertB377
Puzzler is a shareware product. This is not a demo or crippled
version, but a full working copy. If you use Puzzler, I ask you
to send $10 to Acropolis Software to register your copy in return
you will receive a disk containing the latest version of both the
program and the dictionary. When you register your copy of Puzzler
please use the order form below. If you do not use the form, please
specify that you are registering Puzzler and indicate your preferred
disk format (5 1/4" or 3 1/2").
Registration / Order Form
Name : __________________________
Company : __________________________
Address : __________________________
City/State : __________________________
Zip Code : __________________________
Phone : __________________________
Registration : $ 10.00
California residents add sales tax : ______
Shipping & Handling : 2.50
TOTAL : ______
Disk Format: 5 1/4" ___ 3 1/2" ___
(360K) (720K)
Foreign checks MUST be payable in U.S. funds drawn on a U.S. bank.
The product being registered is Puzzler v1.1.
You will receive a registered copy of the latest version of Puzzler
without the shareware screen at the end, and the latest dictionary.
Send check or money order to:
Acropolis Software
P.O. Box 5037
Fair Oaks, CA 95628